Dr. Kellie Hyde Ministries
EVANGELIST DR. KELLIE HYDE MINISTRIES welcome your donations to offset the expenses of our church and services. Many of our training opportunities and spiritual events are FREE OF CHARGE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. However, there is normally a love offering to assist with the continuation of our, "ADMISSION FREE POLICY". Please Note: A minimal fee may be incurred to cover your materials or meals provided during specific events. Donations are accepted year-round to cover operating expenses, teaching materials, Mission Trip Opportunities, Spiritual Education Workshops, Summits, Conferences, Symposiums, Radio Ministry, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship events, financial sponsoring or transportation needs for some of our customers. Your generous donations are tax-deductible under Cornerstone Christian Fellowship as a non-profit 501c3 Christian organization. Please denote any special instructions for designation of your giving. Thank you for your generous donation!
Dr. Kellie Hawkins-Hyde, D.Min., M.Ed., B.S.
President, Pastor and Founder (Evangelist Dr. Kellie Hyde Ministries) - 2007 - Present
http://www.paypal.me/drkelliehawkinshyde (PayPal)
$EvangelistDrKellie (CashApp)